Planning Applications
Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council are the planning authority for this area and are responsible for making decisions on Planning Applications as well as preparing the local plan. They are required to consult the Parish Council on planning applications within the village. It is the responsibility of the Parish Council to consider these applications and make any objective comments to the Borough to help them in reaching their decision.
The Parish Council has set up a Planning Committee to look at the applications and to consider other planning issues that affect the village. The Committee consider each application in detail and currently meet once a month to agree their recommendations to the Full Council. The formal response to the Borough is agreed by the Full Council at their monthly meeting.
If villagers have any concerns about a Planning Application they should make their views known directly to the Borough and there is a link to the Borough Planning website below. If, however you want the Parish Council to take your views into account please email the Parish Clerk as soon as possible. The Planning Committee meetings are open to the public and villagers may address the committee on any items on the agenda. Whilst you cannot take part in the discussion any views expressed will be carefully considered. Occasionally due to tight timescales imposed by the Borough Council planning applications may only be considered at the monthly Parish Council meeting. The dates of the Planning Committee Meetings and Agendas are published on this website.
If you have any queries regarding any planning application, please contact the Parish Clerk.
the borough planning website